Saturday, January 16, 2010

90 Day Fitness Challenge is ON, are you COMING?

Well the 90 Day Fitness Challenge is officially on since I posted my first video on Facebook  and Youtube  sharing my desire to get fit and lose the 25lbs I've been saying I've wanted to lose, for as long as I can remember. My wife who owns the studio, was manning the camera and my good friend Keith Deninno, a personal trainer in Montgomery county Md, weighed me(264lbs) and took a body fat percentage measurement(21.8%). I started my week of workouts with a great power flow class at Yin Yang Yoga Center, which is my exercise of choice for my challenge. I love the way yoga makes my body feel and I always get a great sweat. I have been practicing now 3 times a week for almost 4 months, and the difference in how I move is truly amazing. It's funny most of my friends who had never tried a power flow class or yoga at all, thought yoga was mainly, none challenging poses. But as they have come to practice at my wife's studio, they love the feeling as well, and the group of fans is growing.

I will be updating the videos weekly on Youtube and the Yin Yang Yoga Center, Facebook page. My goal after doing some basic calculation is to lose about 20lbs of fat. Keith shared that 14-16% body fat is a good goal, with over 55lbs of fat total, a third of that is around 20lbs. At the end of 90 days, around 4/12/10, I will have my body fat measured and weighed again to see how I did. You know it's funny, now that I have committed via video to this challenge, I find not eating that bowl of ice cream at 9pm while channel surfing isn't very tough. What I'm looking to do is make a lifestyle change and eliminate the wasted calories, the chips, the second bowl of ice cream, etc. Something I can live with long term, while being more committed to exercise and yoga. If the last 4 months is any indication of the benefits of yoga for my core strength, flexibility and overall well being, than I'm excited to see how I'll feel with 3 months more under my belt.

Maybe it's time ot do something totally different to help keep us all committed to achieving what we really want!


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